Monthly Archives: January 2021

City Journal: ‘Don’t Wait to Reopen Schools’

So much baseless panic continues among groups that have very little to worry about, like schoolteachers.

I recovered from COVID-19 as a nursing home resident in Colorado’s largest such facility, and there hasn’t been any spike of deaths due to the virus. (Old folks in frail health pass away all the time.)

Neither the government at any level nor the news media have done a responsible, effective job of reporting the plain truth.


Lock Gov. Cuomo up!

I’m a resident of Colorado’s largest nursing home, have caught COVID-19 and recovered from it, and I’m happy to report that the governor of this state did nothing as egregious as his counterpart in New York. Testing was twice per week, first and second doses of vaccines have been available, and the facility remains on lockdown — no visitors allowed, and employees closely monitored. Cuomo is despicable and belongs in front of a grand jury!

You know it’s BAD when members of your own party turn on you . . .


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) speaks the truth


Homeless shelters tend to be filthy because BUMS don’t keep them clean

See this older post: Boulder Shelter for the Homeless: a filthy pigsty!


The Twilight Zone

President Biden should try to end this charade ASAP, for the sake of his own administration.


Give the BUMS notice, then move ’em on down the road!

No matter what you do for the worst-behaved transients, or how well you treat them, they simply have no desire to change the self-destructive behaviors that bring their Rat Pack encampments into conflict with the public. I was NEVER a part of this BS in my decade spent as a low-profile homeless (solitary) camper on the outskirts of Boulder, so I know there’s zero necessity for others to live this way. STOP ENABLING!!

Read my previous post: Independence has never been the goal . . .


Yes, I hated high school!

*a way*

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t believe that we deserve 100% of the blame for our failure to thrive in the intellectual poorhouse run by Mr. V. and others of his ilk.