Monthly Archives: February 2023

My tweet for the day 2/28/2023:


Do you wonder about this, as I do?

It’s NOT my purpose here to publicly shame them, so I’m not naming them, but they frequently solicit for both cash and in-kind donations . . . Next time you’re asked to donate, maybe you should respond with the question posed above!


ACLU lawsuit against Boulder, CO’s camping ban:

To correct misinformation on Reddit r/Boulder:

The City only lost a Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit, and the case is now headed to trial unless it’s settled out-of-court.

Back in 2011, there was a very similar case, Madison v. City of Boulder. The plaintiff was found guilty at several court levels, and finally appealed to the Colorado Supreme Court — which declined to hear his appeal.

If I were betting, I’d put money on a settlement that will continue to allow enforcement of the camping ban unless available shelters are filled.

(This will have no effect on the hundreds of of homeless campers in Boulder County who refuse shelter offered.)