Monthly Archives: May 2020

The more media coverage, the more violence you can expect

How many of these agitators are on George Soros’ payroll, traveling from state-to-state stirring up trouble at the expense of decent people of all races?

Of course, Boulder’s Central Park has been FUBAR for many years, thanks to the worst-behaved transients of all races and ethnic groups.


One BUM shelter in Boulder, CO is closing after today; it’s a good start!

The people running the local homeless shelter / services industry know this, of course, but it’s a business that brings in many millions of $$$ from both public and private sources every year. So, they have no incentive to end homelessness as they claim is their goal — quite the contrary!

Calling it a nonprofit is simply twisting logic into a pretzel . . .


Dems suffer unintended consequences of race-baiting

These are but two examples:

BTW, it’s worthy of note that CNN headquarters in Atlanta, GA was attacked by rioters. A “Rally for Justice” indeed . . .


Thugs in the streets can’t speak for the late George Floyd

From the Facebook Page of Boulder Rights Watch, posted by Boulder Democratic Socialists of America.

These Far Left loons never want to let a crisis go to waste; each tragic injustice is an opportunity to push their agenda of violent anarchy.