1 thought on “Great job, Sen. Hawley (R-MO)!

  1. Mark Miller

    An issue Hawley brought up is that we have a double game going on with hiring practices. For citizens, we keep increasing the expense of hiring them, marketing it as a benefit to them (higher minimum wages, access to health care), and at the same time, we sometimes have a government that looks the other way while businesses hire illegal aliens, so they don’t have to abide by those increases. People look at this and wonder whether being a citizen is a disadvantage. In some states, like CO, illegals have much the same rights and privileges as citizens, with none of the obligations. The one big disadvantage they have vs. citizens is if the powers that be don’t like them, they can be threatened with deportation. Though, given that our border enforcement is a joke, the only barrier to re-entering is the treacherous journey to get here from Central America.


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